They’re coming; I said they would and they are. Illegal aliens that crossed the southern border will be heading for Poughkeepsie NY thanks to the Biden regime. Watch the major crimes go up bigtime.

It is with a very heavy heart that I must admit I was right yet again because of the Biden regime Poughkeepsie New York is about to receive many of the illegal aliens that crossed the southern border, ended up in New York City will arrive eventually in the Hudson Valley, Dutchess County area and specifically Poughkeepsie New York. And it is incredible how the city of Poughkeepsie is a sanctuary city and for the longest time of being one cannot get overrun with illegal aliens that crossed the southern border, looks like those days of no illegal aliens and Poughkeepsie is about to change and believe me the crime rate is going to go up exponentially once that happens.

The proposed location according to the is a little hotel on the southbound side of Route 9 called the red roof Inn plus which is not very far from residential areas and a bus ride away from the very town and city of Poughkeepsie New York. County executive William O’Neil said in a statement on Friday that he executed the state of emergency order to preserve our rights and safeguard the well-being of our residents and our community by enforcing various established codes and regulations.

Image is from Google Maps: A screenshot of proposed location for illegal aleins to be taken when they arrive from NYC.
Image is from Google Maps: Aerial screenshot of proposed location for illegal aleins to be taken when they arrive from NYC

While that’s very nice of you Mr. O’Neill except for one major problem had better be in multiple languages otherwise you’re going to have a big problem on your hands finding translators galore because it’s not just folks who speak Spanish that are coming across the southern border you have people from China and other non-Spanish/non-English speaking illegal aliens coming in as well, people that are coming across the border from everywhere so if Mr. O’Neil the County executive for Dutchess County is under the impression that these establish codes and regulations are dumb enough he better think again and there had better be far more County Sheriff’s and local police officers hired soon as we’re going to need them en masse if these illegal aliens that came across the southern border thanks to the Biden regime get here from New York City over the coming days and weeks ahead.

On my podcast I have said numerous times that this is what I feared would happen and to be clear not only is it going to happen but no one in Dutchess County gets a say in the matter there being forced upon us without any public input whatsoever now according to Mr. O’Neil the County executive for Dutchess County he called it a preemptive step that was necessary because New York City has been haphazardly relocating individuals who were sent to New York City from the border how is this becoming the people of Dutchess County’s problem?

No according to Mr. O’Neil the county was also apparently exploring begetting civil action against New York City in any property owner of hotel motel or short-term occupancy rental property who turns their property into an emergency or homeless shelter less very nice you knew this was coming Mr. O’Neil what are you doing to stop them from coming into Dutchess County are you setting up roadblocks at every entry point to Dutchess County because if you’re not they’re coming they’re going to be here and once they get here they will be entrenched and good luck getting them out of here once they are.

Now apparently options according to Mr. O’Neil include but are not being limited to seeking injunctive relief and a temporary restraining order as Rockland and Orange counties have done that’s just dandy bad so good idea Mr. O’Neil they’re still coming and it is the people of Dutchess County especially Poughkeepsie both the town and city of that are going to be overrun and as it stands right now the financial burden this is going to create on the taxpayers is going to be gigantic and that isn’t funny so I hope you’re not laughing because I and many others certainly are not.

Mayor Eric Adams of New York City apparently is now starting to realize that being a sanctuary city namely NYC is the biggest burden on the people of NYC other than rising costs and taxes. Law enforcement is going to be overrun because all the increased crime that you take place and that’s not just a prediction it is a spoiler and the reason I call it a spoiler is because if you look at what’s happened in New York City in recent weeks and over the course of them few months and the crime rate in NYC has gone up for months and months since illegal aliens were bused in from the southern border and now Dutchess County is going get hit by this and we do people haven’t had chance to say anything because our elected officials like Mr. O’Neill or the mayor of Poughkeepsie (city of) and the town officials of the town of Poughkeepsie haven’t held one public hearing or public meeting specifically regarding the pending arrival of the illegal aliens from the southern border.

How is it that we the American people are being overrun by illegal aliens that come across the southern border are being ignored by those in political authority?

How is it we the people are just basically being told sitdown little boy and little girl taxpayer where the government we’re doing this for your own good or should we say because we can and we don’t care what you have to say about it we don’t listen to you, you listen to us.

Over the course of time that’s the basic mentality of the liberal left and has been for all very long time and seems the thin margin takeover of the Congress by the GOP doesn’t seem to make much of a difference because anything they put out on paper is immediately shot down by the liberal left and many of those who are RINO’s (Republicans In Name Only) seem to enjoy sticking it to the American people. But they seem to forget and something we the people have forgotten is that the very politicians who sit on their fat asses in the upper and lower chambers of Capitol Hill work for you and I we the people.

You see; it’s very simple for when a person runs for public office they are petitioning us to be hired for the job that they seek to take and when they do that it is similar to when we would go to a prospective employer with a completed job application and handed to them, they would then proceed to come before us in the form of a rally to petition us for the job in other words a modified version of a job interview and then on election day by casting our votes we are choosing who we believe to be the best qualified person for that job.

Problem is once they get in the office figuratively speaking they put their feet up on the desk slap their hands back and forth and say “Boy are those folks who voted for me stupid; I got them to believe I would do the job they said to do but now that I am here I am going to do what I want and claim it is what the American people want when I know for a fact it is not“.

A rather simplistic way to put it but suffice to say accurate and sadly it is on both the federal elections and the local elections that this happens and I suspect unless we the people start speaking out as the old saying goes “If nothing changes; nothing changes“.

But we the people are fed up with this kind of mentality in Washington DC and on the state, county and local levels I believe it is past time we started letting the politicians know that we the people run the show and they work for us not the other way around where they think we work for them.

Please write and let me know what you think of the current situation regarding illegal aliens whether you live in Dutchess County in general or if you live in the town of or city of Poughkeepsie New York or wherever you live in America that is being adversely affected by the dumping of illegal aliens from the southern border in our communities lapse and the best way to write is by going to the email address and let me know what you think.

And on future podcasts I will be sure to read your letters all I ask is that you include in the subject line the title of this op-ed and in the body of the text your name and where your writing from.